A Guide to the Perfect Winter Wardrobe

With the cold months upon us, it is the perfect time to start reinventing your wardrobe for winter. From organizational tips to finding the perfect staple items, Lily Winston can provide you with the go-to-guide to staying fashionably warm all winter long! 

1. Set Aside Time

organizing shelves shoes

Cleaning out a wardrobe takes time, and a lot of it. Make sure you set aside a designated chunk to do so. If you’re an early bird, start in the morning. However, nothing is wrong with a midnight makeover either! Hey, we’ve all been there. Prior to starting, eat something small to avoid headaches and low blood sugar.  Deciding between silhouettes, shoes, and stockings requires energy!

2. Keep, Toss, Maybe

The very first step in achieving your dream closet is to focus on the items you know you never wear. Think of all the items that could replace it! Even better, think of the people who could benefit from it once donated. From there, section off the items that you’re debating on keeping. Ask yourself: Does it fit right? Is it in style? How often do I wear it? And most importantly, do I feel confident while wearing it? Lastly, everyone has items they absolutely love. Keep those in a special place that won’t become unorganized!

3. Stylize Sections

Once you’ve decided on inventory, its time to stylize sections. Some organize a closet by color but we find that organizing by style or item type is much more efficient. Start with sections such as tops, bottoms and dresses. From there, organize the section from basics to more elaborate pieces or ones you wear more often.

4. Out with the old, in with the new

Every wardrobe should include staple pieces. For example, sophisticated denim, your favorite LBD, a fitted blazer, and a classic pump. With a good base, you can start incorporating the seasons latest trends. When finished, your closet will be the perfect balance of classics and modern styles.

5. Keep in Mind

While focusing all of your energy on clothing, it’s easy to forget things such as accessories, shoes, and even closet interior! Make sure you do the same cleaning process to all of the things in your closet besides apparel. We know, its hard to say goodbye to shoes! Finally, closet environment can make all the difference in the world. Avoid clutter and bad lighting as this can easily hinder confidence and clothing!

CEO Wendy Bryant Gow on a wardrobe consultation. Credit to The Scout Guide.

CEO Wendy Bryant Gow on a wardrobe consultation. Credit to The Scout Guide.

Lily Winston is here to help you get a fresh start to a new season with wardrobe organization services. For you or someone you love this holiday season, contact us today at lilywinston.com!