Is Etiquette Still Relevant?

Dining Etiquette restaurant

Dining Etiquette restaurant

We’ve heard it said that “money doesn’t buy class.” It’s true: the title of your job, amount on your paycheck, or status in society has no place when it comes to presenting yourself to others in a positive light.

Etiquette is not a reflection of your background or your financial security, it is simply the steps you take to make a favorable, lasting impression. Anyone can be taught etiquette; it is cost-free for you and priceless in the world of business. You become elevated with the proper etiquette. It is an effective tool in marketing yourself to others.

In recent years, there seems to have been a falling-off in civility. What was once considered basic knowledge in professional conduct seems to have lost its place in many offices.

With etiquette often going by the way-side, composing yourself properly in the workplace is more powerful than ever. You have the opportunity to set yourself apart by communicating and behaving in a respectful, professional manner. In order to recover what seems to be a disappearing skill, companies are investing more time and resources in updating employees on how to represent their brand. Self-presentation may just be the reason you’re hired or promoted over someone else; people are not quick to forget the way that others treat them.

Whether interviewing for a position, entertaining a possible client, or going through an “average” work day, consider the significance of etiquette. The potential of this skill in regards to career success is unlimited. Be confident and unstoppable in your life! Through the guidance of Lily Winston’s etiquette services, you can go further.