Tips for Staying in Shape this Summer

Whether you’ve spent your winter and spring preparing your summer body or are just now trying to get in shape for summer, this article will help you maintain your figure throughout the summer. We know it can be hard to stay on track with your BBQs, sugary cocktails, ice cream and vacations, but following these few tips will help you stay on track!

Summer Salads and Fresh Fruit

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A hot day will have you avoiding heavy and fried food while reaching for satisfying and fresh salads. A quick google search will bring up a number of different summer salads that can be enjoyed for lunch, dinner, or taken to a backyard soiree. Think about a Greek salad and topping it with fresh shrimp while at the dining at the beach.

There are also a number of summer fruits that are healthier options than ice cream or sugary drinks, while still satisfying the sweet craving. Consider picking up watermelon, blueberries, peaches, or raspberries next time you’re at the grocery store or farmer’s market. For example, cut a watermelon into triangles, insert a popsicle stick, and freeze for a cool snack.  Yum!


Don’t Let a Vacation Mindset Mess with Your Figure

Summer means vacation and sometimes splurging, but that doesn’t mean it’s best to indulge at every mealand forget to move! You’ll feel better if you look for healthier options while eating out, like grilled meats, vegetables, or salads, and remember to get some type of movement in at least every other day. You could go for a walk on the beach, swim or tread water in the pool, or even rent bikes to ride around downtown. It’s important to find ways to combine your healthy lifestyle and vacation while still relaxing and indulging yourself every now and then. Remember, moderation is key!

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Soak Up Vitamin D While Burning Calories

Take advantage of the nice weather and enjoy activities outside. You can pick whether that be a bike ride, hike, swim, walk, or run. Avoid temperatures that are too hot by going out in the morning or evening and missing the strong sun exposure, and heat between 10 or 11 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. If outdoor activities and the heat aren’t your thing, you can always head to the gym to take advantage of the AC and workout classes.

Stay on Track

It can be easy to get off track of your diet and workout goals during the summer. Remember to make small, attainable goals, like drinking more water each day, or eating more fresh vegetables at dinner. It can also be easier to stay on track throughout the summer by sticking to a schedule, such as always working out in the morning.


You can also use apps on your phone to keep you accountable. Check out the “Endomondo Sports Tracker” to keep up with all your outdoor activities like running, walking, and cycling.  If you’re hoping to lose weight look into the app “Lose It.” Another popular app is “Zova” for fitness and wellness with short workout videos, calorie and activity tracking, and other healthy tips!

The tips above encourage you to combine all aspects of summer with a healthy lifestyle. We understand it can be hard to continue healthy habits throughout summer festivities, but just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you have to lose your figure. Simple steps make it easy to stay in shape while still enjoying all the fun that comes along with the special season. We hope this article encourages you to enjoy your summer while staying in shape! Happy Summer from Lily Winston.

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