100 tons had been lifted off my back

"My shopping experience with Wendy felt like 100 tons had been lifted off my back.  Never again would I stand in the middle of a department store and wonder which direction to turn, what to try on and what to buy.  Wendy helped me select items for my new wardrobe that have elevated my image, my confidence and my potential for success in business.  I have been armed with a new personal and professional outlook.  All the stress and decision making about every aspect of my wardrobe has been transferred.  Now I can concentrate on what I do well, my job at home and in the field.  Not only have I found renewed strength and motivation, but my customers have specifically asked me “what’s new about you?” – they have taken note, and my new image has made a positive and professional impression.  I couldn’t ask for more.  Thank you Wendy, I am truly grateful.  I am looking forward to our next season of shopping."

Holly S. Thomas, Pharmaceutical Sales Representative